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This page is in English in order to provide our international partners and friends with insights into the planned cooperative project. 

We are currently researching the opportunity of supporting the remote PNG villages of Nondugl and Gunn with water tanks and other products and services that fall under Rotary's six priority objectives such as: fighting disease, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies and of course promoting peace. 

Contacts were established during previous visits of a joint Australian-Norwegian team to the village and cooperation is being sought with the newly established Rotary Club in Nondugl.

During a previous visit, Nesodden Rotary Club sponsored the construction of one of the local teachers' houses. The funds provided were used to paint the house, put in electricity and equip it with a gas stove. This upgrading is necessary to motivate teachers to actually go to school and teach, ergo, the better the houses, the better education provided. The photo shows Max and Rebecca with the plate that is now attached to one of the aforementioned houses. 

The photo below shows the actual house and the donated water tank in front of it. This water tank, along with others donated by other Rotary Clubs, is used to collect rain water for use by the locals, and especially for use by the local hospital and school. 

Have a look at the Australian-Norwegian team's website to get in-depth information about the remote village and see photos of the locals and area. Do you want to help other people? Do you want to make a meaningful impact? Do you want to put your knowledge and skills to good use to people eager to learn the things that you do not even think about? Do you want to sponsor a child that wants to go to school, but cannot due to money its parents do not have? Do you maybe want to join us on one of our trips to communities that require help to improve infrastructure, sanitation, education and more? Then Rotary is the charity organisation you are looking for. Join us and help us do even more good!

It goes without saying that Rotary clubs are also active in their respective cities, i.e. locally. Nesodden Rotary Club has, to name but one example, established relations with a group of secondary-school students who are part of a voluntary subject that focuses on doing good for people in need (Innsats for andre). They've visited the club several times, helped out during fundraising events and received financial support from the club. Another of our projects targets people with psychological/mental issues; they are invited twice a year to spend some hours with us, enjoying tasty food and musical entertainment. And around Christmas we are providing firewood to people in need, wood that we have collected and chopped up during the previous summer and left to dry until use. It goes without saying that this type of support is highly valued by those who receive it. We also sponsor local activities such as "Hvite bussene" and many others.

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Møtested: Ekelund
Adresse: Hilda Magnussensvei 1
Postnummer: 1450
Sted: Nesoddtangen
Land: NO
Møtedag: Mandag
Møtetid: 19:00
Møtespråk: no
Møtedetaljer: Some meetings are held in English, esp. if English speaking visitors are present.

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før August 2022

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